SO this summer when we were on vacation there was a antique mall by our hotel. I love antique's and my so dose my mom so we had to stop.
WHEN we were in there I found this glass rooster and I fell in love with it.
I loved that is was so different from other roosters that you see. Now if you know me I'm a PIG lover. I think they are so so cute. I have loved them all my life, but roosters are coming in a very close second. I would love to do pigs and roosters in my kitchen one day.
SO for the last 5 week I have been working like a dog and today I had a day off. All I wanted to do was sleep but I got up did some running around and felt like painting. I was looking in my phone and came across a photo I took of a plate I saw in a shop that I have wanted to paint.
SO I pulled out the paints and paint brushes and drew up the photo that I took
After it was all drawn up I was a little worried about what it was going to look like but then I put color on it.... and things started to come togeather.
THEN all of the sudden it was done. I was so happy that for about 2 hours I was able to forget all the crap that is going on in my life and just do something that I love and know that this is the day the Lord has made I can rejoice and be glad in it....
Here's to hoping for my rooster pig kitchen someday so I can hang my painting
Till Next Time......