This is the day the Lord has made...
Today is church day one of my favorite days of the week. A day were you can sit back and learn about God and what he wants for your life. A day to sing with others and talk about what God is doing in your life... For me I also get to see my Teens. I'm the Youth Pastor at a small church in Ortonville MI. God has blessed me with the call of Youth Ministry and with a gange of Kids that look like this(pictuer below) How can you not be so happy to sereve God.

I have been doing Youth Ministry for about a year now. It has its up and down but the blessings are great. One of the many things I have learned in Youth Ministry is that kids will always need you and they will always let you down.. The funny things is that they can do both at the same time. But teens are like adults, eveyone will let you down. The only person that will never let you down is God. The great thing about having a relationship with God is that even if you let him down(and you will, you are human) he will always be there for you and he will never let you down...God is so great...
One of the things that my group is doing is called a 30 hour famine. They are raising money to help stop hunger around the world. On March 19th we will be doing our famine where we don't eat for 30 hours. With in that time the kids will be surving food at a homeless shelter(yes surving food after not eating for 15-20 hours), We will also be making a box villege and living outside for the 30 hours, rain or shine homeless people still live outside in bad weather. We will also be helping the elders in our community...Our teen group's goal is to raise $2,000. That is 2,000 meals we will be able to give to someone, in a 3rd world country it takes just $1.00 to feed a child everyday. I'm really excited about this event that we will be doing.
Here is a video to show you a little more about the 30 Hour Famine..I hope you take the time to watch it
if you would like to help suport our group go to 30Hfsupport@worldvision.org our group account number is 100603261...
Till Next Time....
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