Well how Time fly's when your having fun...
I have been doing a blog for a month now, and I'm loving it...
Well I know that on Monday we do Monday Madness with Martha but this week is going to be a little different. The other day we were at a bargain book store and my dad found this book call Prayer in the line of fire by Evelyn Dittimus. The book is made for prayer warriors and there is one for each day of the week. So this week is going to be all about the prayer.

El Elyon[The Most High God]
That men may know that thou, whose name
alone is JEHOVAH,art the most high over all
the earth
EL ELYON [The Most High God], I thank you for providing a place of shelter for our loved ones to live in and where they can rest in you.
They have no fear because you are with them. They are not dismayed for you are their God. You strengthen them; you help them; You uphold them with the right hand of your righteousness
JEHOVAH SHALOM,[Their Peace], You alone are their place of safety, and they trust you completely.
They trust in you. Lord God, with all of their hearts knowing that You will never allow them to be disgraced. They have the assurance that their enemies will never be able to rejoice over them because you keep them from being defeated.
You, Lord, are their protection and because You always do what is right, they are never put to shame.
Thank you, Lord God, for never failing them or abandoning them. You are always with them as You were with Moses and because they know this with all of their hearts, no one is able to stand his ground against them as long as they live.
They are strong and courageous. They are not afraid or discouraged because they know that You,[Jehovah Shammah], are with then everywhere they go.
One thing they are sure of is that You protect them everywhere they go and someday soon you will bring them safely back home. You are constantly with them until You have finished giving then everything you have promised.
They trust, lean on, rely on and are confident in you Lord. They will never be put to shame because you never disappoint them and because their hope is in you, their enemies will never triumph over them in Jesus' name.
Thank You, Lord, for watching over them for standing beside them and being their protective shield.
Our loved ones are not afraid of the disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked because they know that they are secure in You.
They know that You keep their feet from being caught in any of the enemies' traps.

Psalm 91:1,2 Psalm 25:1,2
Psalm 31:1 Joshua 1:5,9
Genesis 28:15 Psalm 121:5
Proverbs 3:25,26 Isaiah 41:10
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