Monday, February 15, 2010

Pony up cowboys

Hey all ya cowboys and cowgirls, yesterday I was able to go to my fist Rodeo. It was so much fun. I LOVE COWBOYS. Tom and I took Logan to the rodeo. Metro PC was giving away free funny looking orange cowboy hats and they were doing free bull rides. Logan did so good, the first time on he was on the bull for 32 sec.

The rodeo was so cool. Before the show started I asked Logan if he would think it was cool if we had a farm with a horse or 2..He was like no I don't think that would be cool...Well then the show started

about 10 min into it Logan looks at me and tells me that he wants to be a cowboy...we had such a great Family day on the big V-Day. Here are some more pictures from our fun rodeo day.

Till Next Time Cowboys and Cowgirls......


Unknown said...

hahaha how cute!

Junebug Furniture and Design said...

Hi Erin! Hey thanks for following us, love visiting your blog...looks like a great Valentine's day. xoxo Glad & Celia/Junebug