So this is the week that I'm going to start working on my BODY LIKE KARATE, but I'm finding that my Motivation is very low, I’m a little scared of jumping on the scale. I also always start my "life change" with out telling anyone and then when people find out I always stop. Why I don't know maybe I'm ashamed of my self for looking the way that I do and I don't want people to judge me when the weight dose not come off. So I'm hoping that with my blog and telling everyone about what I'm going through, things I have been eating and photos of my change I will be able to keep a new healthy new life.

So I goggled how to get motivated to lose weight. There is a lot out there this what I found that look like it might help me.
1. Keep on saying "So That"
Ask yourself "Why do I want to lose weight" and after you come up with a reason why... Just keep on saying SO THAT.
For example - Why Do you want to lose weight...
I want to lose weight to look better SO THAT...
~So here is my "So That" list
A. I want to lose weight to look better "so that" I feel better about my self
B. I want to feel good in my skin "so that" I have more confidence
C. I want to lose weight "so that" I can go backpacking
E. I want to lose weight "so that" I can ware a bikini for the first time
F. I want to lose weight "so that" I have a healthier back
G. I want to lose weight "so that" I can be a healthy example to my step kids and Youth Group kids
The more times you say SO THAT = the more and more motivated you'll become to lose weight.
2. Play the "If I Do" and the "If I don't game"
You're going to take 2 sheets of paper and on the top of 1 sheet of paper you're going to write...
"These are all the GOOD things that will start happening to me tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, or even 2,5, or 10 years from now
IF I DO Take action now to lose weight" and...
Then you'll fill up that sheet with every single GOOD thing you can imagine that will happen in the near & distant future If You DO take action now to lose weight so
for example - you'll probably write things like...
I'll be proud of myself for at least trying to lose weight...
On the top of the other sheet of paper - you'll write...
"These are all the bad things that will start happening to me tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, or even 2,5, or 10 years from now
IF I DON'T Take action now to lose weight" and...
Then you'll fill up that sheet with every single BAD thing you can imagine that will happen in the near & distant future If You DON'T take action now to lose weight so for example - you'll probably write things like...
I'll be depressed again for not even trying to lose weight...
When you are done with your list hang it up some place so that you see it all the time. When you are feeling like you need to be motivated read your list...
~I have not made my list. I will be doing that tonight and will post my list, Start weight and Goal weight tomorrow
3. Make a bet with yourself
You can make a bet with yourself or other people to GUARANTEE that you will lose weight & Look Good naked...
The more extreme the bet is or the more you have to lose = the greater chance you'll actually reach your weight loss goal and think about like this...
If there was a chance you could lose your house, your car and all your money if you did not lose 50 pounds in 10 months (which is a reasonable amount of time) then you'll probably end up losing 50 pounds in 7 months or less!
~My Bet is to my parents if I don't loss 80 pounds by my birthday next year I will pay my parents house payment....

4. Make excuses to win & Don't make excuses to lose
STOP making lame excuses NOT to lose weight like...
"I don't have time to lose weight" or...
"I hate the way these weight loss foods taste" or...
"I can't workout cause I get sweaty" because...
5. Set deadlines and then reward yourself/Set deadlines and then punish yourself
For example... If your big weight loss goal is to lose 100 pounds in 10 months... Then you can set 10 deadlines where you have to lose 10 pounds every month for the next 10 months so...
~My goal is to loss 6-10 pounds a month From now March 15th 2010- April 3rd 2011. If I reach my Goal I will take a vacation to someplace warm and wear a bikini on the beach. Anytime I do not reach my goal I will take my TV out of my room for 1 month to help me get into the gym more.
6. Post a Picture Everywhere
Post a picture of what you want to look like after you lose weight everywhere you can so If you were skinny in high school... Post your old high school pictures everywhere and if you always had a weight problem or if you don't have any pictures then...
~Here are 2 pictures of me when I was in High School....Man I wish I looked like that again

7. Get a magazine and...
Look at the sexy body of the person on the cover.
Get a picture of yourself and cut out just the face. (make sure you're smiling in the picture)
Take your smiling face & place it over the face of the person on the cover.
Then I want you to do something crazy.
Show the magazine cover to everyone you know & tell them this is how you're going to look real soon.
If you're real crazy... Tell the person you have a crush on... This is what they'll miss out on in the future if they don't start going out with you now.
And if anyone gives you that Yeah Right Look when you tell them... Use that as extra motivation to prove them wrong.
Make copies of the magazine cover and post it everywhere in your house and make a special note under it saying...
"I will get a sexy body just like this cover model and when I do... I will laugh in the surprised faces of all the people who said I could never look like This"
~Here is my Magazine cover. Wow I'm going to be Super hot when I get my Body like Karate
I hope that if you are trying to get motivated to lose weight and change your life style that this will help you...Man I hope that it will help me get and stay motivated also...I really don't want to pay my parents house payment on my 31st b-day,I want to be walking on the beach with my hot body.
Till Next Time....
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