So I have said this before but I have THE BEST PARENTS IN THE WORLD. About 4 & 1/2 years ago Hubby did not have a job because he got laid off and we were living with my mom and dad. Them my hubby got a job in Sun City South Carolina. So we did the big moved and that is when we came to live in Savannah, GA. With Hubby's new job he learned how to be a finish carpenter and he is so good at it.....The sad thing is that the no one wanted to buy house's, so the company he was working for went under. now he is not able to do the things that he is so good at. If feel so bad for him
I just love to watch Hubby play with his Toys...He is in pure joy when he gets to work with his Tools
With hubby lost that job he went to work for a different company but it hurt us really bad and that brought us back to Michigan and now living with mom and dad again. We have been staying in the bedroom down stars but now my Grandpa is coming in May so we are moving on Up......
This is are soon be to be Old(this is were we lived the first time)but new Room.
The best part about us moving up is that Hubby gets to pull out his tools or what I like to call his TOYS and do what he loves to do. Hubby is re-doing the bathroom...
Here is a picture of it
all gutted out...Oh this is what it still looks like lol
Hubby is also building a wall so we can have a door. Before there was no door and you could be sitting on the potty and everyone just walks in on you. So this is the framing of the soon to come door :)Oh and Hubby in the background
Well I'm hoping to get moved on UP sooner then later. I will keep you up dated on the makeover.....
Till Next Time.....
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