AS some of you know my dad is a pastor at a VERY small church in Oscoda, MI. Until up to a few months ago they never had a teen group. Well the most amazing thing happened. One of the girls that goes to my dads church started to ask her friend to come to church with her and they asked their friends and guess what a teen group was started.
MOST of the kids that go to my dads church come from really hard lives. About a month before the trip I was doing my devotions and praying about the trip and God really put the teens of my dads church on my heart. So I asked my dad if his kids would like to come with us.
I'M so Thankful for God putting them on my heart. We had 5 kids from the little church in Oscoda, MI come with us. I told my teens before we left that they needed to welcome the Oscoda teens to our group. I was praying that the two groups would become one on this trip. If you have never worked with teens before they are very clickie and don't let others in.
GOD made walls fall and the kids all became family.
THIS was such a great weekend of working for God, doing something to help others, and to build new relationships with people they would have never of been friends with....Thank you Jesus for the way you can move in peoples(even teens) lives....More work and witness trip tomorrow
Till Next Time.....
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